Call on the detective
Damp and mould can be an unsightly pest – but Great Places is here to help if it blights your home.
Last year, we launched a campaign to help customers battle damp and mould and a big thanks to all customers who’ve contacted us following the launch of our Detective Damp Guide providing useful advice and support to help tackle the potential problem of damp and mould in homes.
The campaign has been a real success and we’re pleased we’ve been able to provide a number of customers with both technical solutions and general support on addressing this issue.
So far we have completed 250 Damp Inspections. Our specially trained teams have been out over the last few months visiting customers across all our regions to implement a number of different solutions and supporting customers to help eradicate signs of mould and condensation.
If you haven’t had chance to look at Detective Damp’s guide, which includes a range of top tips and advice, you can view it via the link here.
The guide provides practical advice on how to tackle a range of issues including moisture in the air and how to spot the signs of something that we need to fix such as faulty plumbing. If you’d like to receive a print copy of this Guide then please contact customerhub@greatplaces. and we can send you a copy.
Remember if you’re experiencing any issues with damp or mould, the sooner you let us know the quicker we can help fix the problem.
Remember if you’re experiencing any issues with damp or mould, the sooner you let us know the quicker we can help fix the problem.
The quickest way to get in touch is by contacting us via the Live Chat facility on our website. It’s four times quicker than phone and available 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Just visit the website and click on the Chatabot icon on our home page and say that you wish to report a repair.
Our friendly digital assistant will then take you through to Live Chat where one of our colleagues will be able to assist you.
Remember if you’re experiencing any issues with damp or mould, the sooner you let us know the quicker we can help fix the problem.