Get Involved
Our customers play an essential role in helping us improve the services we provide.
By providing feedback, our customers help to transform our services and the experience they have with us. Listening to our customers and understanding what matters to them helps us to improve our services and create better places to live.
Why get involved?
- have your say about how we deliver our services
- learn more about us and what we do
- increase your confidence, gain new skills, knowledge, and experience to boost your CV and help you get a job
- improve the area and community where you live.
How do I get involved?
There are lots of ways to get involved with Great Places no matter how much time you have, and we really would value your input.
If you would like to get involved, please select any of the areas that may be of interest to you. Once you have submitted your request, the Customer Involvement Team will be in touch.
Get involved options:
Repairs Community: share your experience of the repairs service and offer suggestions on how we can improve

Digital Readers Community: you’ll help us to review our customer newsletters, other customer communications and our website so we can make positive changes to how we engage and communicate with our customers
Customer Complaints Community: work with us to improve the complaints process by providing feedback on how we deal with complaints and offer suggestions on how we can improve. For more information please refer to page 11.
Tell us what you think about our services: we’ll ask you to share your experience about a specific service and offer suggestions on how we can improve.